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Perila Kevad 2020 - esimene takistussõidu võistlus peale eriolukorda (Mai 2024)

Perila Kevad 2020 - esimene takistussõidu võistlus peale eriolukorda (Mai 2024)

Teamsters Union, Ameerika Rahvusvahelise Teamsterside, Autojuhtide, Ladustajate ja Abiliste Vennaskonna , varem (kuni 1940) Ameerika Teamsterside, Autojuhtide, Stabiilsete ja Abiliste Rahvusvaheline Vennaskond (IBT), Ameerika Ühendriikide suurim erasektori ametiühing, mis esindab veoautojuhte ja seotud tööstusharude (näiteks lennundus) töötajaid.


Maailmaorganisatsioonid: fakt või väljamõeldis?

Maailma Terviseorganisatsioon on Ameerika Ühendriikide valitsuse spetsialiseeritud haru.

Liit loodi 1903. aastal, kui Rahvusvaheline Võistkondlike Autojuhtide Liit (1899) ühines Teamstersi Rahvusliku Liiduga (1902). Hobuveokitega kohalikud kohaletoimetajad jäid põhiliikmeks kuni 1930. aastateni, mil linnadevahelised veoautojuhid nad asendasid. 1907–1952 juhtis liitu Daniel J. Tobin, kes suurendas liikmesust 40 000-lt 1907. aastal enam kui 1 000 000-ni 1950. aastaks. Sellest oli 1940. aastaks saanud rahva suurim liit. Presidendid Dave Beck (1952–57) ja James Hoffa (1957–1971) kujundas tiimid tugevalt tsentraliseeritud liiduks, mis on võimeline pidama läbirääkimisi üleriigiliste kaubaveo lepingute üle. Presidendid Ron Carey (1992–1990) ja endise presidendi poeg James P. Hoffa (1999–) keskendusid töökoha turvalisuse ja perekonnaprobleemidele.

The union’s size, along with the threat of halting shipments of essential goods, gave the Teamsters great bargaining power. But the union’s magnitude also provided some officials with opportunities for violently pressuring small employers or profiting, in consort with organized crime, from the manipulation of union pension funds. In the wake of corruption disclosures implicating Teamster leadership, the American Federation of Labor–Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL–CIO) expelled the union in 1957—after almost 60 years of membership in the AFL.

Between 1957 and 1988, three of the Teamsters’ presidents—Beck, the elder Hoffa, and Roy L. Williams—were convicted of various crimes and sentenced to prison terms. After his release from prison, Hoffa disappeared in 1975; many believe he was killed by members of organized crime. The Teamsters Union was readmitted to the AFL–CIO in 1987. In 1988 the Justice Department filed a civil racketeering suit against the union, but the suit was settled out of court in 1989. In 1992, given their first chance to directly elect their national leaders, members chose as president Carey, the candidate supported by the reformist group Teamsters for a Democratic Union. While Teamster representation of truck drivers declined with the growth of nonunion trucking companies in the 1980s, the union gained many new members through its efforts to organize workers in clerical, service, and technology occupations.

In 1997 the Teamsters galvanized media attention and public support when their strike against United Parcel Service (UPS) stopped the delivery of thousands of packages worldwide. The strike centred on the extensive use of part-time employees by UPS. In the agreement negotiated with UPS, the Teamsters won 10,000 new full-time jobs over the course of the five-year contract. In later years the Teamsters became increasingly dissatisfied with the AFL-CIO, especially its inability to increase union membership. In 2005 the Teamsters disaffiliated from the AFL-CIO and, with several other unions, helped establish the Change to Win coalition.